Sublime Range


I found god in the Colorado Rockies
Stretching his fingers and scraping them upon the peaks,
And down their declines to a deep river valley
Where his wistful tears flow so smoothly
‘Till they are damned up by ravenous imps,
The never-sated virulent epicures,
And exploited in progress’s name.
His tears turn to pensive in the ever-present dirge
That is the clapping of the skies and roaring of their rain,
And the rivers rush fast to break their wrongful incarceration.

Puzzling Rhymes


Constructing verse is like a puzzle,
Fitting together words that rhyme,
Mixing up and seasoning stew
As if out of tumultuous chyme

Constructing verse is like cooking,
Heating together words that rhyme,
Mixing up and seasoning stew
As if out of tumultuous chyme

Constructing verse is like a puzzle,
Fitting together words that rhyme,
Mixing around the jagged edges,
Relentlessly solving outside of time.