Two Kinds

Lacking an intensity to press forward and create, many peers of today appear to be stuck in a perpetual rut. In many cases it is not that they cannot create, it is that they choose not to, for little importance or veneration is placed on the writer, or welder, or calligraphist, or painter, but rather on the reality TV star or the next buyable item in a long line of electronic releases.

There are indeed, as the cliché so knowingly goes, only two kinds of people in this world, and they are as follows:
The Creators, and the Consumers.
Creators are the extolled of the two, and by their less inventive counterpart no less, as well as themselves. They make up what is so revered in the world, from great works of art to great works of literature, to modern ideals such as democracy, to even the foundations of medicine and the modern scientific process. All that is and every will be worth reading or looking at, jamming out to or singing, being or feeling, was created by creators.
Consumers, on the other hand, and less of a proficient and prodigious race. They simply lap up what that creators have mulled over and produced and enjoy it. They make no true contributions to the great human verse that is our society and very humanity apart from ensuring that the success and greatness of those who have helped to provide for them go down in writing as historic and life-changing. They only seek to consume, repost, retweet, review what is already out and about in the world, never, nor hardly ever to pose an honest original thought or creation. What we are truly missing in the world today is more producers, for consumers are easy to stumble upon on any given street and little is gained by that. Producers shall create for the masses, and make well for themselves in doing so. However, they are never sated by the status quo as so many consumers are. Those consumers sit by aimlessly as they view the world from their couch change right around them. They are caught up on streaming services and celebrity gossip, uninformative, needless news, and the latest drama or comedy.

Which kind do you choose to be?